Hey, I'm Kirsty...

Mum, Step-Mum, Coffee Enthusiast, Water Baby, Travel & Movement Lover

Health & Wellbeing Coach 

I think of myself as one of the lucky ones.  From a young age I've loved fitness, I've enjoyed eating fruit & veg and I've been pretty privileged in most senses of the word.

I've also been through my own fair share of life's bumps too...

The diagnoses of a chronic illness at 20, a move to the Wirral from Portsmouth at 26 (leaving all my friends & fam behind), a pregnancy plagued with hyperemeses & pelvic separation and adapting to life with a new baby - IYKYK - to name a few.

I've used those bumps in the road as my motivation to help others prioritise their health & wellbeing, because well as corny as it sounds, without it we're pretty stuck and in my experience, it can be quite miserable!

I'm on a mission to help people make achievable yet impactful lifestyle changes, through health and wellbeing tools.

Being a mum has also made me want to do better in the world. I want my children to grow up seeing what's possible by showing them. And I hope through my work, I can help you to touch someone else in your life, in the same way, through your own journey. 

I've labelled my 'job' as a health & wellbeing coach as I have a serious passion for all things health, wellbeing - for both the mind & body. 

The reason I incorporate various modalities in my coaching is because I am a firm believer that we all need different things, at different times in our life, to help us prioritise our health.

We can't control the bumps we face, they're going to happen - but we can prepare ourselves to deal with them in the best way possible.

I am a nerd and LOVE learning, but not only that - I know & respect the huge amount of trust you place in my hands when you choose & invest in me as a coach.  This is why I'm also always investing my time and a big portion of my business earnings into education.



COMPASSION: As much as I'd love to be the entertainer, I'm more of the person you come to in your time of need. Someone who you can rely on to be non-judgmental, listen to & empathise with you.

I commit to infusing my coaching services with compassion, non-judgment, empathy and to really listening to people.

EDUCATION: I'm a firm believer that this is where it all begins. Knowledge is power & once we have the information, it is with us for life. We can use it to prosper in our own lives and if we were to share it even with 1 person then the world becomes a better place.

I commit to providing accessible information on health and wellbeing and continuously developing professionally.

INSPIRATION: I hope to inspire people to be the best version of themselves through health & wellbeing. I believe it starts within and spreads outwards.

I commit to looking after my own health and wellbeing and inspiring others both through my own journey and the services I provide.

SUSTAINABILITY: It's our responsibility to look after the world we live in & this is both a personal and business value of mine. As a Coach I also believe it's my responsibility to help you in a way that's sustainable. I'm not about fad diets, quick fixes or keeping up with the trends.  I want to touch your life & help improve your health in a way that lasts.

I commit to providing services that provide people with tools that can be maintained throughout their life and also limit the impact on our environment.